Highlands Business Partnership
Regular Meeting of the Board of Director's
September 25, 2003
Henry Hudson Regional High School

Executive Session
Carla Cefalo-Braswell (CCB), HBP President, called the non-public portion of the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. There was a meeting quorum for action. In attendance were the following: C. Cefalo-Braswell, L. Bodnar-Nolan, M. Kovic, F. Rosiak, A. Parmelee, R. O’Neil, J. Urbanski, L. Kochanik, AJ Solomon, J. Koenig, B. Weber, J. Wicklund and Nick Evangelista for Eddy Sousa.

Resignations & Elected Board
CCB read Joann Wouters letter of resignation. Joann was sent a thank you letter for her support vial email. Board members discussed the current status of the ACI contract renewal

ACI Contract Renewal
Discussions on the renewal of ACI’s contract were had in depth. A subcommittee will meet and document findings on similar companies. CCB stated she had discussions with a few companies (Square Foot, This is It, and Green Eggz Inc.) Most inquiries would not even respond due to our budget amount. CCB stated that although at times the Board has had problems with ACI for the most part, we would have a difficult time finding a consulting firm that writes grants, sell sponsorship, manages events, and produces PR & Media all in one package. In addition ACI has waived all commissions outlined in their contract for the past three years. For the most part we can renegotiate under our terms and see if it can all be worked out. Fred Rosiak and John Koenig will negotiate Sylvia’s contract with CCB and any members of the executive board.

Ordinance Amendments
CCB announced that the council approved the ordinance amendment to include Seastreak back in the assessment roster. They were inadvertently removed from Class 4a income producing property.

Escrow Release
CCB announced that the Council approved our Escrow release and would be forwarding our check soon.

Executive Session was closed by a motion by Mike Kovic, second by Fred Rosiak with all in favor the session was closed at 8:45 p.m.

Public Session
Carla Braswell, President, called the public session of the HBP Board of Directors to order at 8:50 p.m.

Meeting attendance: P=present, A=absent

L. Bodnar-Nolan P L. Kochanik P R. O’Neil P E. Sousa P
C. Cefalo-Braswell P J. Koenig P A. Parmelee P J. Urbanski P
J. Cosgrove A M. Kovic P F. Rosiak P F. Rosiak P
M. DuPlantis A K. Lustig A AJ Solomon P J. Wicklund P

50% plus one = quorum (13/17)
Ten (10) in attendance for quorum
Also in attendance were : Nick Evangelista & Sylvia Allen, ACI.

2003 Summary by Sylvia Allen, ACI, HBP Marketing Consultant
Fred made a motion to move ACI to the forefront of the Agenda for their presentation; Lori Bodnar second and the motion carried. The Summary included a breakdown of Vendor Fees for various events, sponsorship dollars and the Tourism Grant and Farmer’s Market Grant. Kathy said the Banner Program is now sold out and she stated the banners are being held up due to non-payment. CCB suggested an open forum to go around the room and give each board member opportunity for questions/answers. The presentation lasted much longer than anticipated s to summarize these minutes all comments will not be included. The tape can always be utilized for further minutes upon request.

Minutes of the June, 2003 Meeting of HBP
Minutes prepared by CCB and were delivered to the Board in person and signed for in advance. Minutes were reviewed and a motion by Loriann Bodnar-Nolan and second by John Koenig to accept the minutes into corporate record. With all in favor the minutes shall be included in corporate records and added to our Website for public access.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report as of September 25, 2003 was read. As of today there were no outstanding checks. A motion was made by F. Rosiak to accept the Treasurer’s Report second by Carla Cefalo. With all in favor the Treasurer’s Report shall be included in corporate records.

Executive Committee – Carla Cefalo-.Braswell
Ordinance & Escrow reports were made by CCB to state that all monies originally reduced in our budget were now returned to our annual budget and would be received by the Borough.

Committee Reports
Loriann Bodnar-Nolan and Nick Evangelista, Committee Co- Chairs
Design Maintenance Beautification Capital Improvements
CCB announced that the Borough’s CFO Steve Pfeffer has received the Clean Communities Funding of about $5500.and will forward our payment once CCB provides pertaining invoices and signs the voucher.

Economic Development – Fred Rosiak
Fred gave a brief overview of the committee’s reorganization as it was very late and, most members had to leave.

Marketing/Special Events – Carla Cefalo-Braswell
Bike NY was a success with approx. 1000 riders, which created a nice amount of foot traffic. Bike NY would be donated $1000 worth of Bicycle helmets to the Borough Recreational Coordinator Mr. Tim Hill for distribution to children on the community. CCB announced that Councilman Urbanski asked HBP to request that the 2003 Bike NY donation be made to the Highlands Recreational Center rather than another community receiving a donation, as that is where it is needed most. CCB gave an Oktoberfest update and requested volunteers.

Action Items:
Old Business:

New Business:

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. by a motion from M. Kovic, second by John Koenig with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting of the HBP Board of Directors is:
Thursday, November 20, 2003.

Submitted by Carla Cefalo-Braswell, 11/19/03